- Wearth Group
- Our divisions
- Our expertise
- Turnkey marinas
- Docks & accessories for harbors and marinas
- Floating rotomolded accessories
- Industrial rotomolded accessories
- Marina management
- Waterfront Development
- Custom floating projects
- Floating solar platforms
- Floating solar farm
- Tackling marine pollution
- Aluminum bridges and structures
- Self-watering planters
- Careers
Wearth Group
What sets us apart
Everyone here can be the best version of themselves »
A positive energy company
A positive energy company is a company in which each employee has a role aligned with their natural talents.

Being aligned with your natural talents means:
- working with zeal in the area in which you excel
- taking pleasure in your work
- finding meaning in what you do
- being enthusiastic
Employees working in the area in which they excel, aligned with their natural talents, are productive and radiate success. Like a powerful virtuous circle, the positive energy company emerges.
Allowing emotions to exist and express themselves »
Management through love
Many management actions are driven by fear and ego. Management through love, on the contrary, seeks to trust employees, tame the ego, and face up to our mutual fears together in order to overcome them, accepting emotional connections and harnessing the intelligence of the heart.

Management through love means allowing emotions in relationships
We can show we are affected by a remark, a failure, a success or a colleague’s departure. Employees can take on new responsibilities, even if they have not yet achieved technical excellence.
We are proud of those who admit they made a mistake in changing jobs and who are ready to start over. We are proud of those who reap what we love to sow.
What does love mean in the context of a company?
It means choosing to be caring towards others, respecting choices and decisions, and adopting a humble attitude.
It means breaking down protective barriers and allowing yourself to feel emotions.
It means acknowledging that human relationships are based on trust.
'' What some see as a weakness becomes a unique and powerful management tool ''
Want to find out more about Wearth Group’s mission and values? Download our manifesto!